Lodging, Touring, Dining Customer Service Training Resources

Index page

Click on the link you require, below.  You can return to this INDEX page by clicking on the 'RETURN' button at the footer of each page.

NOTE: ESP, refers to English for Specific Purposes.

Lodging Customer Service
ESP - Books about providing Lodging Customer Service
ADVANCED - Academic Papers about providing Lodging Customer Service

Touring Customer Service
ESP - Books about providing Touring Customer Service
ADVANCED - Academic Papers about providing Touring Customer Service (this link
directs to 'Practical tips on becoming a better tour guide' in the
Cultural Tourism section of this site)

Dining Customer Service
ESP - Books about providing Dining Customer Service
ADVANCED - Academic Papers about providing Dining Customer Service

(coming soon)
Brand Experience (as part of better/advanced Customer Service)

Books about Lodging, Touring, Dining Brand Experience
aka. 'Hotel experience', 'Dining experience', 'Experiential Tourism' (more on
Experiential Tourism in the Cultural Tourism section of this site)


ADVANCED - Academic Papers about Customer Service in General